Mobile Money
MTN 0788667759
Step 1: Dial *165*1*1#
Step 2: Enter 0788667759
Step 3: Enter Amount
Step 4: Enter Reason (Tithe / Offertory)
Step 5: Confirm Enter PIN Code
Step 6: You will receive a confirmation message notifying you about having sent money to Dithan Kaddu.
AIRTEL 0752626109
Step 1: Dial *185*1*1#
Step 2: Enter 0752626109
Step 3: Enter Amount
Step 4: Enter Reason (Tithe / Offertory)
Step 5: Confirm Enter PIN Code
Step 6: You will receive a confirmation message notifying you about having sent money to Dithan Kaddu .
Thank you for considering financial involvement with the Church of Gospel Messengers of Holiness and Righteousness.
Your gift will help spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all people in all nations, especially those in rural and remote areas.
We believe that the Gospel of deeds far supersedes the gospel of words.
The Gospel Messengers Church ministry supports more than 4,000 orphaned /vulnerable children and elderly persons.